“Dinesh Chandra Sen” Commemorative Gold Medal Award Ceremony – 2024

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“Dinesh Chandra Sen” Commemorative Gold Medal Award Ceremony – 2024

‘Dinesh Chandra Sen’ Memorial Gold Medal – 2024 awarding ceremony was held at Buddhist Dharmankur Hall in Kolkata on 16 June eve. Amalendu Chowdhury, the General Secretary of the Buddhist Dharmankur Sabha presided over the event. The Chief Guest was the former Professor of the Bengali Department of Burdwan University. Sumita Chakraborty, Special Guests were writer Ramkumar Mukhopadhyay, Bandana Mukhopadhyay (former Research Officer of The Asiatic Society, Kolkata), Prof. Dr. Bimal Kumar Thandar (Associate Secretary of Acharya Dinesh Chandra Sen Research Society, India), writer Niranjan Mondal and others.
Three people were honoured on this day. ‘Dinesh Chandra Sen Memorial Gold Medal 2024’ was awarded to the former Professor of Bengali Department of Guahati University – Sudhanshushekhar Tunga and to eminent writer Deepak Kumar Mridha. Literary scholar and Rabindra researcher Dr. Sameer Shil received the previously announced ‘Dinesh-Rabindra Patra” Award 2023.
The entire program was conducted by Debkanya Sen, General Editor of ‘Acharya Dineshchandra Sen Research Society, India’ and poet Sanjay Kumar Dey moderated the proceedings.

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