“Building a Violence Free Environment for Women and Girls at 75 Cross Border “

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• “Building a Violence Free Environment for Women and Girls at 75 Cross Border ”

districts of India to be held from “ 30 th July 2023 – World Day Against Human Trafficking 11th January 2024 -National Human Trafficking Awareness Day.

• The Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, Government of India, under the direction of Honorable Mrs. Smriti Irani, took seriously the issue of (cross border) human trafficking and child labor, child trade, and efforts were made to prevent it, child development projects and victims for women. We appreciate the work done to provide relief and rehabilitation services to the poor and hope that we will continue to get the support of Honorable Smt. Smriti Irani ji and the Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, Government of India.

• On the occasion of World Anti-Human Trafficking Day , a campaign jointly launched under the guidance of “The Asia Foundation” for the prevention of cross-border human trafficking with NPOs/NGOs/Institutions/ Organizations/Intellectual persons of all border districts to prevent Cross-Border trafficking of women and children and to Create a Violence-free environment.

• The campaign was successful coordination with the social organizations, intellectual person, government institutions, government administration, rural committees, Yuvak Mangal Dal, Child Rights Committee, Media group in the Border areas district of various countries associated with India (at 75 Cross Border District ). We are Working together with coordination to make the campaign successful.

Description : Ministry of Women and Child Welfare, Government of India fulfilling an important responsibility, under the direction of Union Minister Smriti Irani, has also launched the Child Development Project to strictly prevent Cross-Border Human Trafficking and Child Labor and the victims of women, children and girls. The work of providing relief and rehabilitation services has been actively started. A comprehensive campaign has been started to completely control this evil practice.
Human Trafficking at Cross Border harassment of children and women, immoral trade, violence, and child labor Women and girls, which has become a serious problem for India as well as for the whole world, since the year-2008 (Cross Border Anti-Trafficking Network). CBATN/EVAWG-Cross Border(End Violence against women and Girls -Cross Border ) In the last 25 years, a commendable effort has been made on the ‘Indo-Nepal Border’ to save more than 17,000 children and women from getting trapped in this quagmire with the help of its associate organization, partner, entire associates, prevention, protection, prosecution, their rehabilitation and providing compensation to the victim.
In this campaign, AHTU, SSB, Police, Social organizations, Media and Community have been getting full cooperation with the organization and community organizational group at the Indo-Nepal cross border at the local level. Excellent work has been done by coordinating with the government and administration, and as a result, along with saving the lives of thousands of families, it is working to solve this global problem.
Through this campaign, the Cross-Border areas with the members SAARC Countries (Sri Lanka, India, Bangladesh, Maldives, Bhutan, Nepal, Sri Lanka) and BIMSTEC Countries (India, Bangladesh, Burma, Sri Lanka, Thailand, Bhutan, Nepal) World Day Against Human Trafficking from 30 July 2023 to 11 January 2024 Human Trafficking Awareness Day in the cross border districts of the country by India in association with partner NGO Launching the campaign.

For which “The Asia Foundation” as a very important part is carrying forward the campaign for the prevention and diagnosis of this anti-social act as well as for the cooperation and awareness of the victims.

We all associate institutions are grateful to Ministry of Women and Child Welfare of the present Central Government, and Hon’ble Smt. Smriti Irani that have taken this matter seriously and with meaningful thought and rigor to stop it and provide relief to the victims for children and child development projects and women in the border areas of the country and is working to provide rehabilitation services. Along with this, it is working with all seriousness to provide food, shelter, clothing, counseling and primary health care facilities to the victims of trafficking, especially minors, from neighboring countries.

The Asia Foundation’s and EVAWG-CB ((End Violence against women and Girls-Cross Border) mission is to stop the unethical trade of children and women on the cross border, prevent violence against them, as well as opportunities and participation in development along with this, work has to be done to stop this evil practice through public awareness. In which we want to start a comprehensive campaign against this together with social institutions, organizations, intellectuals, government system, village level committees, Mangal Dal, organizations, media, and public cooperation in the local border district.

“A majority of those trafficked are minor girls or young women, who after their arrival in India are sold and forced into commercial sex work. These girls/women often reach major cities like Mumbai, Delhi, Hyderabad etc. from where they are taken to the Middle East and Southeast Asia… This is the reason why states bordering these countries need to be more vigilant and have adequate facilities to provide relief and rehabilitation services to the victims,” the ministry said as per a news article recently published. The second-fastest-growing kind of criminal activity after the sale of illegal narcotics and weapons is human trafficking, which generates unaccountable revenues every year. Thousands of men, women, and children fall victim to traffickers each year, both domestically and overseas. The causes of this rising worldwide issue, which affects both wealthy and developing nations, are numerous and complicated. This also applies to India. For men, women, and children involved in forced labour and sex trafficking, India serves as a source, destination, and transit country. The majority of India’s trafficking issues are internal, and the most vulnerable are those from the most oppressed social classes, including Dalits from the lowest social grade, tribal people, religious minorities, and women and girls from excluded groups. According to NCRB data, as many as 6213 victims of human trafficking were rescued in 2021, and of them, 3912 were female. Maximum number of victims were rescued from Odisha ( 1290 ), followed by Maharashtra ( 890), Telangana ( 796), and Delhi ( 509).
On “30th July 2023 – World Day against ANTI-HUMAN TRAFFICKING DAY ” to “11th January 2024 – National Human Trafficking Awareness Day”. In your district, MSS with support from The Asia Foundation is holding a workshop on ” Building a Violence Free Environment for Women and Girls at Cross Border ” that will address this global scourge and its impact on society. The workshop would address the issues related to human trafficking including:
• Promoting Safe Migration.
• Community Participation Development .
• Child Labour .

Trafficking is increasingly an important concern in cross border regions, and its effects on society are spreading quickly. The casualties are becoming more numerous. We as an organization can tremendously contribute to the fight against trafficking in your area and lessen its detrimental impacts on society. The objective of the workshop is also to initiate collaborative action and campaign against human trafficking.

The head of the organization associated with the campaign on the cross border told that together we have to start a cooperative action and campaign against human trafficking in the cross border areas against this human trade from across the border, the organization has appealed to the society to cooperate in this campaign, It is a request to you through this meeting that a campaign is being started in all the 75 districts of the cross border with the cooperation of all institutions, government, administration, AHTU, SSB, police, media, intellectuals, social organizations, community, you are requested to spread this message to as many people as possible so that it can be got rid of by associating people on this very sensitive subject on the cross border.

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